Ella es una persona migrante de República Dominicana, vino porque una amiga la entusiasmó de hacerlo, diciéndole que aquí había oportunidades de trabajo y que podía quedarse con ella. Pasado un mes de su llegada, no encontraba trabajo estable, porque no tenía documentos y no la contrataban y por esto no podía ayudar con los gastos. La amiga, se incomodó mucho, empezó ignorándola y luego se enojó y la echó a la calle, esto le generó tristeza y angustia porque no tenía para donde ir; finalmente una persona conocida de aquí la recibió. Esto es algo que nos pasa a muchos migrantes, dejamos todo por venir a un lugar distante a iniciar una nueva vida, llegamos con ciertas expectativas y la realidad es que las cosas son muy diferentes.
-Mujer, dominicana, 48 años
She is a migrant from the Dominican Republic. She came to Chile, because her friend encouraged her to do so, telling her that here in Chile there were many job opportunities and that she could stay with her. A month after she arrived in Chile, she was still unable to find a stable job, because she didn’t have her documents and they didn’t give her a contract. Thus, she couldn’t help with paying the expenses. Her friend got annoyed and began ignoring her; then, soon after, she got angry and kicked her out of the house into the street. This made her very sad and worried, because she didn’t have anywhere to go, and finally, an acquaintance offered her a place to stay. This happens to us a lot as migrants. We leave everything to go to a distant place to start a new life. We arrive with certain expectations, and the reality is that things are very different.
-Female, Dominican, 48 years old