CHES (Community Health Equity Solutions)
CHES (Community Health Equity Solutions) formed by the USC Collaboration Fund to foster collaborations across disciplines and create new research and educational opportunities. This multidisciplinary collaboration spans over ten schools, seven university centers and institutes, and over fifty faculty members and students. Our researchers often utilize community engagement and empowerment models to address the “wicked” problems identified by the USC Provost Office. Such problems include poverty, food security, social justice, cancer, environmental justice, sustainability, immigration, and climate change. With the racial, ethnic, cultural, and immigrant diversities of the USC community and the Los Angeles location, CHES presents an exciting vision which will expand the horizon of public health research and policy, develop effective strategies that are applicable and sustainable to reduce the health disparities among immigrants, and enrich the American culture.
USC Norris Cancer Wellness HUBs
USC Norris Cancer Wellness HUBs established at the USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center (USC Norris) with funding from the Lazarex Cancer Foundation, founded by Dana Dornsife. Services offered at the USC Norris Cancer Wellness HUBs include conversations with cancer healthcare providers, cancer education workshops, as well as cancer support groups, cancer survivorship toolkits, and information on how to reduce cancer risk, engage in cancer screening, and participate in clinical trials. USC Norris will also employ cancer care companions from local medical and community organizations to address the informational and support needs of community members. Neighborhood health ambassadors will serve as the bridge from the local neighborhoods to the Cancer Wellness HUBs.
VaccinateLA is a joint effort between University of Southern California (USC), multiple hospitals, and the community. This campaign works to make access to COVID vaccines fast and easy for every Angeleno. We provide you and your family with resources, such as interviews with experts, to help you make the best choice for your health.
We are a creative health and arts campaign that aims to reduce COVID-19 in the Latinx communities of eastern Los Angeles. We are doing so through partnerships with local artists and teams to create culturally tailored and community inspired messages. You will find these projects featured throughout our festival with suggestions about ways to prevent COVID and protect our communities.