Ella es una mujer haitiana, llegó hace 6 meses a Chile. Está embarazada y se encuentra sola, no tiene pareja y comparte el lugar donde vive con muchas personas. Ha recibido en el consultorio su control prenatal y cuando le pregunto cómo está, ella dice que bien, pero yo la observo triste y preocupada. Ella es callada, se expresa poco…creo que es porque está en una situación difícil…no es fácil tener un bebe lejos de la familia, no tener un lugar adecuado para vivir y en un país diferente. Además, habla poco español y me contó que necesita siempre ir acompañada de alguien que domine el idioma para poder ser atendida.
-Mujer, peruana, 23 años
She is a Haitian woman who arrived in Chile 6 months ago. She is pregnant and alone in this country. She doesn’t have a partner, and she shares her living space with many other people. She has received prenatal care in the local public clinic, and when I asked her how it’s been, she said that it’s been good. However, she looks sad and worried to me. She doesn’t talk very much and has minimal expression. I think it’s because it’s a difficult situation. It’s not easy to have a baby so far away from family, to not have an adequate place to live, and all of this in a different country. Additionally, she speaks little Spanish, and she told me that she always has to be accompanied by someone who has a better grasp of the language when she goes for medical care.
-Female, Peruvian, 23 years old