Él es un joven chileno que se esfuerza día a día tocando el violín en el metro. Al principio su experiencia fue algo temerosa, quizás vergonzosa, porque dentro de sus opciones de vida, nunca estuvo presente tocar en las calles. Su situación económica y su motivación por estudiar lo lleva a hacerlo y seguir adelante. Mi historia al igual que la del joven se relacionan y me identifico. Yo, un día después de pensar tanto y ver que mis opciones eran pocas dentro de mi país, motivada por mis hijos, pero con tristeza a dejarlos, me fui de mi país a Chile. Fue difícil adaptarme, encontrar trabajo, pero lo más difícil que me tocó vivir fue no poder estar a su lado. A pesar de todo, seguí luchando por ellos para conseguirlos una mejor vida. Entonces, ambas historias están conectadas, motivados por una razón, una fuerza de seguir superando las cosas, y creyendo en un futuro mejor.
-Mujer, peruana, 36 años
He is a young Chilean who pushes himself every day to play violin in the metro. At the beginning, the experience was a bit scary, perhaps embarrassing, because he never thought that in his life he would play violin in the street. His economic situation and motivation to study brought him to do it so that he could move forward in his life. My story is related to his in some way, because I identify with him. One day, after thinking a lot and seeing that the opportunities in my country were limited, I decided to leave for Chile, motivated by my desire to find a better life for my children. It was difficult to adapt to life here and to find work, but the most difficult thing was no being able to be with my children, as I had to leave them in Peru. Despite the difficulties, I continued fighting for them so that they could one day have a better life. So, my story and that of the young boy in this photo are connected. Both of us were motivated by a dream, we had strength to overcome the difficult things, and we believed in the possibility of a better future.
-Female, Peruvian, 36 years old