Un amigo trabaja en una empresa, y sus jefes le hacían sentir cansado emocionalmente al mandarle a trabajar en cosas que no eran necesarias de realizar y cuando faltaba personal, le hacían trabajar el doble sin aumento de sueldo. Un día, se cansó mucho de tanto acoso laboral, hasta que de su trabajo lo mandaron al hospital. Llegó tan deprimido, que no pudo soportar el dolor que tenía por dentro. Tenía que consultar a un psicólogo y en el hospital le dieron por un tiempo licencia médica. Solo así está volviendo a recuperarse emocionalmente poco a poco de la depresión.
-Mujer, peruana, 40 años
A friend of mine works at a company, and his bosses were making him feel emotionally exhausted, because they ordered him to do things that weren’t necessary and when they lacked personnel, they made him work double without additional pay. One day, he was so worn down from so much abuse in the workplace that they sent him to the hospital. He arrived there very depressed, unable to bear the pain he had inside. He had to see a psychologist, and at the hospital, they gave him medical leave for some time. Only now is he starting to recover emotionally, little by little, from the depression.
-Female, Peruvian, 40 years old