michael cousineau

Michael R. Cousineau, Dr.PH. is Professor in the Departments of Population and Public Health Sciences and Family at the Keck School of Medicine of USC, and the USC Price School Public Policy.  He attended UC Berkeley and received his doctorate from the UCLA School of Public Health. Dr. Cousineau studies health policy, the determinants of health care utilization for the low-income populations, models of health insurance coverage, health care disparities, effectiveness of outreach and enrollment systems for public insurance programs, the operation of safety-net providers including community health centers and public hospitals, and health needs of vulnerable populations including the homeless and immigrants. He also works on globally including projects on primary care in Panama and universal coverage with the World Health Organization in Geneva.

Dr. Cousineau is an expert on the Patient Protection Affordable Care Act, having given over 30 talks on the new law to community and professional groups.  Dr. Cousineau has been funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, The Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services, the U.S. Health Services and Services Administration, The California Endowment, the Office of Minority Health, Blue Shield Foundation, the California Healthcare Foundation, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

He teaches health policy in the Masters in Public Health Program at USC and in the Keck School Medicine’s Professionalism and The Practice of Medicine course.  He has published in Health Affairs, Medical Care, Public Health Reports, the American Journal of Public Health, Academic Medicine, and Health Services Research.

To Contact:  cousinea@usc.edu