A veces las mujeres buscan paz, y tranquilidad sin saber dónde; Las iglesias, brindan refugio, alivio y paz, ya que muchos problemas que aquejan a los migrantes, parecieran no tener solución, son grandes dificultades. En ocasiones, las mujeres migrantes no están bien económicamente o son violentadas, esto les genera angustia y ellas necesitan encontrar algo de paz.
-Mujer, ecuatoriana, 40 años
Sometimes women look for peace and tranquility without knowing where to find it. The churches offer refuge, relief, and peace. It seems that many problems that afflict migrants don’t have a clear solution; they’re complex. On occasion, migrant women are not doing well financially, or they are violated physically, which affects them profoundly, and they need to find some peace.
-Female, Ecuadorian, 40 years old