The Office of Community Outreach and Engagement at the USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center has been building on a previous USC campaign called Es Tiempo. Es Tiempo focused on raising cervical cancer prevention and awareness among Latina women living in Los Angeles. Now, Es Tiempo is being tailored and adapted for diverse communities in Los Angeles through MICEO. MICEO stands for Multichannel Communication Campaigns for Improvements in Cancer Education and Outcomes.

The MICEO campaign aims to promote awareness of HPV and the HPV vaccine among Hispanic/Latino, Chinese, and African American/Black youth and young adults living in Los Angeles. MICEO will continue the use of Jacaranda trees to serve as environmental reminders for HPV vaccination initiation, cervical cancer screening, and HPV-related cancer conversation starters. Below, you will find a social media post that the MICEO COE team has developed to spread HPV awareness.

MICEO Campaign

MICEO Campaign

MICEO Campaign

MICEO Campaign

Click here to access the PDF version of this social media post.