Celebrating Native American Heritage Month at USC

November is Native American Heritage Month, a time to celebrate the stories and traditions of Native Americans that are part of our dynamic USC campus. On November 15, 2023 the USC Native American Student Assembly organized USC’s first Native American Heritage Month Celebration a beautiful event with traditional bird singers, and a panel that spoke…Continue Reading Celebrating Native American Heritage Month at USC

Congratulations to Dr. Lourdes Baezconde-Garbanati for receiving the Lester Breslow Lifetime Achievement Award

Congratulations to Dr. Lourdes Baezconde-Garbanati for receiving the Breslow Lifetime Achievement Award. Dr. Baezconde was presented this exceptional award at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health 60th Anniversary Dinner and 2023 Hall of Fame Induction! The Lester Breslow Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes UCLA Fielding alums who have shown exceptional dedication to advancing public health…Continue Reading Congratulations to Dr. Lourdes Baezconde-Garbanati for receiving the Lester Breslow Lifetime Achievement Award

Featuring Samantha Verganza

Samantha Verganza is a recent graduate of the USC master of public health program with an emphasis on community health promotion. As a first-generation Latina scholar, she attended and presented research findings at the 16th annual AACR Special Conference on The Science of Cancer Health Disparities in Racial/Ethnic Minorities and the Medically Underserved in Orlando,…Continue Reading Featuring Samantha Verganza

CoGENES Promotores de Salud on the Radio!

Two recent graduates of the CoGENES program, Irma Ramirez and Hector Ramirez Romero had the opportunity to talk about the CoGENES program on an online radio station, called Radio Mi Fortaleza (https:/www.radiomifortaleza.com). They shared where to obtain more information about colorectal cancer, invited listeners to visit all of USC CoPECC’s social media pages, like Instagram…Continue Reading CoGENES Promotores de Salud on the Radio!

The APPEAL/ADEPT National Equity in Cessation Meeting

Yaneth L. Rodriguez, member of the Center for Health Equity in the Americas and also part of the Latino Coordinating Center for a Tobacco-free California, had the honor and privilege to attend and participate in the two-day meeting entitled the APPEAL/ADEPT National Equity in Cessation Meeting, hosted by the Asian Pacific Partners for Empowerment, Advocacy,…Continue Reading The APPEAL/ADEPT National Equity in Cessation Meeting

Congratulations to our 1st Cohort of CoGENES Graduates!

Congratulations to our first cohort of CoGENES graduates! The Community Genetics Navigation Specialists (CoGENES) training program informs and trains promotores de salud to become advocates for colorectal cancer. During the training the CoGENES learned about colorectal cancer and genetics. They will take the information they learned and train other promotores on the same topics. Together,…Continue Reading Congratulations to our 1st Cohort of CoGENES Graduates!

In memorium of Esther Schiller

A Celebration of Life was held for Esther Schiller, clean air champion, founder and project director of SAFE (Smoke-free Air for Everyone) at UCLA on May 13, 2023. Esther was an amazing clean-air advocate and was a pioneer in the world of smoke-free multi-unit housing. Esther will be missed, but she leaves behind a great…Continue Reading In memorium of Esther Schiller