LA City Council and City Attorney’s Office Recognized Public Health Tobacco Control, Prevention Research Heroes of Keck School of Medicine of USC

On Friday, August 18, 2017, at the historic LA City Hall in Downtown, Dr. Jonathan Samet and Dr. Lourdes Baezconde-Garbanati were recognized by the City of Los Angeles General Attorney, Mike Feuer, and councilmember Mitch O’Farrell along with other City Council Members. They were recognized for their efforts against big tobacco industry through research and…Continue Reading LA City Council and City Attorney’s Office Recognized Public Health Tobacco Control, Prevention Research Heroes of Keck School of Medicine of USC

8/30/2017 – Immigrant Visions & Voices: A Photovoice Exploration of Health in Chile

In the last three decades, Chile has witnessed a considerable influx of immigrants, the majority from other Latin American countries. These individuals may experience a particular vulnerability and unique set of social determinants that affect their health and well-being, thus creating a need for research in this area. Through collaboration with the Center for Health…Continue Reading 8/30/2017 – Immigrant Visions & Voices: A Photovoice Exploration of Health in Chile

Conceptos fundamentales de la salud pública (INSP Curso por WebEx y YouTube)

Las disciplinas académicas requieren de una base conceptual que guíe su desarrollo. En este curso se discuten los conceptos fundamentales de la salud pública. Como punto de partida, se analizan las diferencias y puntos de integración entre la biomedicina, la medicina clínica y la salud pública. Se identifica a la salud pública como un campo…Continue Reading Conceptos fundamentales de la salud pública (INSP Curso por WebEx y YouTube)