Mexican immigrants have lower smoking rates than U.S.-born Mexicans, and some scholars attribute this to health selection, the concept that individuals who migrate are healthier and have better health behaviors than their non-migrant counterparts. This is often indirectly measured by comparing U.S.-born Mexicans to recent Mexican immigrants, however, that comparison neglects several important factors.

Using nationally-representative datasets from both countries, researchers examined differences in health selection of smoking, by gender, in 2000 and 2012.

In this USC Immigrant Health Initiative seminar, Annie Ro, assistant professor of public health at University of California, Irvine, presents the findings, which suggest Mexican immigrants are indeed selected on smoking compared to their non-migrating counterparts, but that selectivity is subject to smoking conditions in the sending countries and may not remain constant over time.

This seminar is hosted by the Immigrant Health Initiative, in collaboration with the USC Center for Health Equity in the Americas and the USC Institute for Global Health.

Monday, April 3, 2017


Soto Street Building (SSB) Room 116 

USC Health Science Campus 

Lunch will be provided

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