Winter/Spring Practicum Opportunity in Santiago, Chile

We are excited to announce that one of our Ambassador Brigade Fellows, Justin Trop, and his faculty mentor, Dr. Mellissa Withers are offering an amazing practicum opportunity that will take place in Santiago, Chile as part of the research project titled, “Migrant Visions and Voices: A Community-Based Participatory Approach to Health Needs Assessment and Intervention…Continue Reading Winter/Spring Practicum Opportunity in Santiago, Chile

President Obama signs an Executive Order — Establishing a Community Solutions Council

On November 16, 2016, President Barack Obama issued an Executive Order to establish a Community Solutions Council. The mission and the priorities of “the council shall foster collaboration across agencies, policy councils, and offices to coordinate actions, identify working solutions to share broadly, and develop and implement policy recommendations that put the community-driven, locally led vision…Continue Reading President Obama signs an Executive Order — Establishing a Community Solutions Council

Yancey/Edgley Fellowship Award Opportunities

The Dr. Antronette (Toni) K. Yancey and Darlene Edgley Fellowship for Health Promotion, Physical Fitness and Community Health Education is a wonderful opportunity for students, professionals and junior faculty to apply for three types of financial support, which include: DrPH Dissertation, Conference Assistance, and Postdoctoral Fellowship for underrepresented racial/ethnic groups.  Here is the flyer for…Continue Reading Yancey/Edgley Fellowship Award Opportunities

Telling Stories, Saving Lives: The Power of Narrative to Reduce Cancer Disparities in the Americas

CenHealth’s Director, Dr. Lourdes Baezconde-Garbanati presented “Telling Stories, Saving Lives: The Power of Narrative to Reduce Cancer Disparities in the Americas” at the 2016 Los Angeles Global Health Conference: Health in Academia at UCLA.  You can view her presentation by clicking on the picture.  …Continue Reading Telling Stories, Saving Lives: The Power of Narrative to Reduce Cancer Disparities in the Americas

2016 World Cancer Congress Highlights

CenHealth’s Director, Dr. Lourdes Baezconde-Garbanati is currently at the World Cancer Congress taking place in Paris, France from October 31st to November 3rd, 2016.  She will be presenting on “Adapting communication interventions to address health disparities using traditional media” during a panel discussion titled, Communication strategies for cancer prevention and control: from traditional to new media. The…Continue Reading 2016 World Cancer Congress Highlights