Youth Opportunity Fair with Boyle Heights Beat

Come learn about organizations offering program for youth if all ages, and join in a community conversation.  There will be food, entertainment, and activities for kids. When: Saturday, October 1, 2016, 10am-1pm Where: Boyle Heights City Hall, 2130 E. 1st Street In Spanish (below flyer). Ven a conocer sobre las organizaciones comunitarias que ofrecen programas…Continue Reading Youth Opportunity Fair with Boyle Heights Beat

Research in Diverse Urban Populations a Short Course

Our founding director of CenHealth, Dr. Lourdes Baezconde-Garbanati, will be speaking as part of a short course titled, Research in Diverse Urban Populations on October 14, 2016 being put on by the Southern California Clinical and Translational Science Institute (SC CTSI). New and junior faculty, post-docs, grad students, and research staff conducting research in diverse populations are…Continue Reading Research in Diverse Urban Populations a Short Course