Congratulations to the JEDI Workforce Development Academy 2024 graduates. Below is a message from our Director, Dr. Lourdes Baezconde-Garbanati.

“So pleased to share this picture with you about the culminating graduation event on June 29 of our Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion ( JEDI) workforce development academy. A big shout-out to Patty Escobedo, Rosa Barahona, and Letech Caldera-Huerta for their leadership and day-to-day efforts. To Samantha Verganza, Bianca Rosales, Eduardo Ibarra, and others for your support, including coming in on weekends. The many months and weeks of planning and dedicated efforts these months really paid off. The 20 fellows 18-24 years of age “at promise” young adults from our Health Science Campus (HSC) communities received certificates from OSHA on food safety, work safety, and CPR. They worked very hard for weeks and kept showing up daily. They worked on their resumes, among other soft and hard skills, and several already have potential jobs lined up. We heard amazing stories of young adults’ transformation and empowerment from parents and family members. Our Dean Dr. Carolyn C. Meltzer opened the training in May, and Dr. Ricky Bluthenthal was the keynote speaker at the graduation on June 29. Thanks to the JEDI West for helping to secure the funds. Keck Medicine and University Relations, ELAC and the YMCA were instrumental in supporting the 2024 cohort. The YMCA supported the students financially through the LA Hire program. Thanks to all those who contributed in one way or another. Many blessings to all. ” – words from, Dr. Lourdes Baezconde-Garbanati

JEDI 2024 Culmination