We are super excited to share that our CenHealth director, Dr. Lourdes Baezconde Garbanati received a USC Mentoring Award in the Faculty Mentoring Graduate Students category.  The USC Mentoring Awards honor individual faculty members for helping to build a supportive academic environment through faculty-to-student mentoring and faculty-to-faculty mentoring. Faculty who receive this award have made a significant and lasting impact to those students they mentor, providing support and guidance in their professional development.

CenHealth staff would like to congratulate Dr. Baezconde-Garbanati for this well deserved recognition as one of the university’s top faculty in mentoring.  She is a true mentor to all of us and many others.  We can’t thank her enough for all that she does.

Dr. Lourdes Baezconde-Garbanati and Robert Garcia (Doctoral Candidate in the Department of Preventive Medicine) at the USC Faculty Mentoring Award ceremony. Robert nominated Dr. Baezconde-Garbanati, along with a few other students.


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Public Health Sciences @ USC